Friday, May 8, 2009


The Integrated Studies of Educational Technology:
A Formative Evaluation of the E-Rate Program
Michael J. Puma
Duncan D. Chaplin
Kristin M. Olson
Amy C. Pandjiris
October 2002
The purpose of the study:
Two main questions were the focus of this study:
  1. To what extent is the E-Rate helping to equalize access to the types of digital technology eligible for program discounts?
  2. Are schools and teachers able to use the technology that E-Rate supports? How is it being used in the classroom?

Instrument of the study:

  1. ISET surveys conducted during school year 2000–2001, including a survey of technology coordinator in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a survey of technology coordinators in a national sample of 1,061 districts, a survey of principals in a sample of 1,106 schools within the sample of districts, and a survey of 1,750 teachers from a subsample of 473 schools.
  2. E-Rate administrative data covering all E-Rate applications and funded commitments through January 2000.

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