Friday, May 8, 2009


Comparative and Non-comparative evaluation studies

We upload the report in and the link of the report is bellow:

The presentation we upload in slideshare .net and this is the link of it:


Evaluation of online learning
we upload this assignment in the and this in the link of the report:


Evaluation of CAI

This survey was designed to evaluate tutorial software and it contains two aspects -technical and pedagogical features- of an instructional software. The technical aspect include:

3. presentation
4. documentation

And the pedagogical aspect include:
2. goal
3. Flexibility of integration
At the end of the survey we put and end open question. The link of the survey is posted below.


Evaluation strategies

The study purpose:
The purpose of this study is to examine performance in an online course in relationship to student interaction and sense of presence in the course. Data on multiple independent (measures of interaction and presence) and dependent (measures of performance) variables were collected and subjected to analysis. An attempt was made to go beyond typical institutional performance measures such as grades and withdrawal rates and to examine measures specifically related to course objectives.

Research Questions:

The major research questions that guided this study are as follows:

  1. What is the relationship between actual student interaction/participation and performance?
  2. What is the relationship between student perception of social presence and performance?
  3. What is the relationship between student perceptions of social presence and actual participation?
  4. Are there differences in student perceptions of their learning experiences and actual Performance?
  5. Are there differences in student perceptions of their interaction and actual participation?

suggested instrument:

we suggest survey that measure the folloing:

  1. Learner-Content Interaction
  2. Learner-Instructor Interaction
  3. Learner-Learner Interaction
  4. Learner-Technology Interaction

We put the survey in survey console and this is the link:


The Integrated Studies of Educational Technology:
A Formative Evaluation of the E-Rate Program
Michael J. Puma
Duncan D. Chaplin
Kristin M. Olson
Amy C. Pandjiris
October 2002
The purpose of the study:
Two main questions were the focus of this study:
  1. To what extent is the E-Rate helping to equalize access to the types of digital technology eligible for program discounts?
  2. Are schools and teachers able to use the technology that E-Rate supports? How is it being used in the classroom?

Instrument of the study:

  1. ISET surveys conducted during school year 2000–2001, including a survey of technology coordinator in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, a survey of technology coordinators in a national sample of 1,061 districts, a survey of principals in a sample of 1,106 schools within the sample of districts, and a survey of 1,750 teachers from a subsample of 473 schools.
  2. E-Rate administrative data covering all E-Rate applications and funded commitments through January 2000.


3. Models of evaluation in educational technology

The presentetion we upload in the slideshare and this is the link that wil take you in the presentation.


UW Podcasting: Evaluation of Year One
Cara Lane, PhD, Research Scientist, Catalyst Research and Development, The Office of Learning
Technologies, University of Washington
October 2006

how course podcasts help universities meet students’ needs?
The study focus on students’ listening habits, the strengths of podcasting, the weaknesses of podcasting, and the future of podcasting.
So the approach that is used in this study is scientific study.
Program level because it aim to measure the effect of the program in the students.
Searchers continued gathering data from students during winter and spring quarters. In spring 2006, they expanded the scope of the student survey(The survey contained questions about students’ listening habits and how students’ used the course podcasts. It also contained open-ended questions about the strengths and weaknesses of this technology) and introduced an instructor survey(contained questions about instructors’ experience with podcasts, observations of student use, and perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of this technology).


Digital storytelling: a meaningful technology-integrated
approach for engaged student learning
Alaa Sadik
Published online: 11 April 2008
_ Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2008
Although research emphasizes the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum, the use of technology can only be effective if teachers themselves possess the expertise to use technology in a meaningful way in the classroom. The aim of this study was to assist Egyptian teachers in developing teaching and learning through the application of a particular digital technology. Students were encouraged to work through the process of producing their own digital stories using MS Photo Story, while being introduced to desktop production and editing tools. They also presented, published and shared their own stories with other students in the class. Quantitative and qualitative instruments, including digital story evaluation rubric, integration of technology observation instruments and interviews for evaluating the effectiveness of digital storytelling into learning were implemented to examine the extent to which students were engaged in authentic learning tasks using digital storytelling. The findings from the analysis of students-produced stories revealed that overall, students did well in their projects and their stories met many of the pedagogical and technical attributes of digital stories. The findings from classroom observations and interviews revealed that despite problems observed and reported by teachers, they believed that the digital storytelling projects could increase students’ understanding of curricular content and they were willing to transform their pedagogy and curriculum to include digital storytelling.
This study aims to assess the following features:
1. quality of students’ stories
2. student level of engagement in authentic learning tasks
3. teachers’ concerns
4. views towards the use of digital storytelling.